
Weekly Bin Days Return

Weekly Bin Days ReturnThe Telegraph goes with: "Deal to restore weekly bin days".

Well, thank heavens for that. I don't even produce that much rubbish but I keep losing track of which week we're on. A mixture of me not paying attention and the bumper crop of bank holidays have meant I still have Easter eggs boxes wating to go.

The Government is to announce a deal under which councils will be offered financial incentives to collect household rubbish every week.

I thought they already were, it's called getting the council tax to do the ****ing jobs they're paid for.

But we'll pay council tax to fund the collections than we pay tax to the Government which will go to the council to incentivise them to do the job right. And after all that, at Christmas the bin men will still want a tip.

More than half of councils are thought to have abandoned weekly bin collections over the past few years, depriving more than 18 million people of the service.

It's the bin version of saying, "Don't flush, I want to go." If you do that once in a while it's fine, but if you don't flush every other time you use the loo you'd be scum.

Originally the Government wanted local authorities to scale back collections to once a fortnight, in an attempt to force households to do more recycling. But the scheme backfired and led to an increase in rat and insect infestations along with a rise in fly-tipping.

By the way, that's not like cow-tipping where you sneak up to a sleeping cow and push it over. You can try doing it with a fly but they're pretty alert.

>Read the source story


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