
Man Eats And Phones While Driving

A driver was stopped by police after he was caught speaking on his mobile phone, operating a hand-held computer and eating a sandwich, all at the same time as driving on a motorway.

And they say men can't multi-task!

John Mills was flagged down after he pulled out in front of a police patrol car forcing the driver to brake. They saw he was busy eating a salad sandwich and messing with his phone.

This guy is an idiot. No one wins in this situation. He'll never enjoy a sandwich like that. Take the time to savour the bready goodness.

And the guy on the other end of the phone will be annoyed too. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who's driving? Just as you're getting to your good point they start paying attention to a roundabout or something. Rude!

Oh... and it's dangerous too.

He denied using a stylus to operate his digital personal organiser and instead said he was trying to shut off the device which was running low on power and making an "ear-piercing" noise.

Eating and suffering with the loud noise while your life is in danger. It's like going into a McDonald's after 11.

>Read the source story


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