
BBC's Empire Strikes Back

Members of BBC staff are threatening strike action over their pension deal. It could affect some of the broadcaster's TV shows.

Surely we could come to some compromise. How about some BBC staff can strike but only those who work on that new show E20? That way, everyone is happy.

The National Union of Journalists, Bectu and Unite plan two 48-hour strikes designed to cause maximum disruption.

But even if they cause a lot of disruption, there'll be no one left to report it. It won't get mentioned in the news as there'll be no journalists left to broadcast it.

I feel sorry for some of the BBC workers who have to strike. It's easy if you work on the 9 O'clock News and it's easy if you work on Panorama. But if you try to protest when you work on "Can't Cook, Won't Cook", you'll just blend in.

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