
2015 Will Be Worse Than 2002

Britons will be worse off in 2015 than in 2002The front page of the Financial Times tells us that The Institute for Fiscal Studies says Brits will be worse off in 2015 than we were in 2002.

I'm not sure about that. OK, I'm not a professional body of study and research, but I do have a memory. Our living standards may get squeezed and our incomes may drop in relation to the cost of everything but in 2002 Ronan Keating featuring Lulu was in the charts with their version of We've Got Tonight. We were suffering.

In the top 10 grossing films of 2002 there was Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

I don't have a crystal ball but I can't see there being such a disappointing and useless prequel to much loved franchise. Well, not unless they make Twilight: The Toddler Years. Edward babysits for Bella.

The IFS report underlines the potential perils for coalition politicians, who may find it hard to convince voters that their stewardship has left households better off.

What they should says is, "Remember back in 2002, when the Cheeky Girls released, Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)? We will never go back to those dark days again!" They'd be carried around on the shoulders of their supporters.

In 2002 we still had the Foot and Mouth crisis, on 22nd of September an earthquake hit Dudley and was felt throughout England and Wales, and on the 30th of November girl band Girls Aloud were formed from five female contestants on the TV show Popstars: The Rivals.

In 2015 I'm sure we won't still be churning out a rubbish musical act every year on a TV talent shows. Actually, now I think about it... We're all doomed!

>Read the source story


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