
Diane Abbott's Twitter Trouble

Diane Abbott Divide And RuleMP Diane Abbott has had to apologise for a tweet. She said that "white people love playing divide and rule" and if you see the picture on this article, she's right. It's a spin-off from Call of Duty: Black Ops. It's Divide And Rule: White Ops.

Some Tory MPs have called for Abbott to resign from the shadow cabinet, and if she is proved to be racist, join the Conservatives. I'm kidding, of course Diane isn't racist. She said some of her best friends are white.

Twitter is a tricky place for politicians. Today Labour leader Ed Miliband tweeted about the sad passing of the great TV host Bob Holness. But Ed tweeted:

"Sad to hear that Bob Holness has died. A generation will remember him fondly from Blackbusters."

I hope that's a typo or was there a quiz show made by Central TV in the 80s based on the game Divide And Rule?

Diane seems to have kept her job but is still having to deal with the fall out of that tweet. Here's a video of what happened when the press asked her about it.

>Read the source story


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