
The Woman With Two Foo-Foos

A woman who has two vaginas was a guest on the TV show This Morning, making the male host of that show even less likely to live up to his name.

She's 27-year-old Hazel Jones and she was born with two fully-formed vaginas. Good luck keeping up with the Joneses in that way, ladies.

Hazel said it means she has lost her virginity twice. That almost seems a shame. Why not just lose it once and keep the second one for a special occasion? You know, like other people have a special bottle of champaign in the cellar. When the time is right you can crack it open.

It was on interesting interview. I haven't seen a TV brave enough to focus on two fannies since Jedward: Celebrity Wedding Planner (and that's the polite version). In the interview she said she was so at ease with her body that she goes to sex clubs with her husband. Hang on, he has two vaginas at home and he still goes out for more? The greedy git.

Apparently she was 18 before being diagnosed with "uterus didelphys" (double chuff syndrome), which occurs when a barrier between two tubes that form the uterus fails to break down during development, leaving two internal channels.

Hazel said she didn't realise she was different until her periods started at 14. She said: "I told friends. They looked even more confused than me."

I would've loved to have been there when she said to her friends, "My left fanny is really hurting today." They would've done a double-take, which is ironic as that's what Hazel can do too.

She went to hospital four years later to learn the truth. She added: "I thought it was amazing." Hazel added: "My quirky condition does not make me shy or hold me back. In fact, it's something I celebrate."

And I bet her husband loves it. He'll give it the thumbs up.

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