
Decriminalise Drugs

Sir Richard Branson spoke to the Home Affairs Select Committee saying we should decriminalise drugs.

He's a strange choice to head up this campaign. In his career he has managed to make a business out of everything, from records to planes, from make-up to banking, from weddings to broadband. So when he says we should relax the laws on drugs use it kind of sounds like he's planning his next company. Virgin Gear.

They'd start you off with a free trial and soon enough you'd be stealing to pay your Virgin Gear bills. Still, it would be cheaper than a Virgin Gym.

Sir Richard, who had been part of a global commission on drug policy, said he wouldn't sack someone if he found out they were on drugs. This from a man who used to employ Chris Evans on Virgin radio, so I think we can take his word for it.

As much as it seems like a joke, saying that Branson will start selling drugs, there's an interesting point. People say we should decriminalise drugs to stop the criminals selling them. But if you look at the legal world, most things are sold by big companies that take large profits from us and give little back. At the moment, the criminals who sell drugs don't pay tax. If the big business started making and selling drugs, their accountants would base it in Jersey or somewhere to make sure they don't pay tax either.

At the moment, the criminals who sell drugs are ruthless people who don't care about society. I can't see that changing if big business gets involved.

I suppose, if we have to pick a British entrepreneur to be in charge of selling drugs, we could do a lot worse than Sir Richard Branson. We could end up with James Dyson. Can you imagine how much cocaine you could do aided by his cyclone technology.

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