
Don't You Really Like It, Isn't It Really Wicked

A new survey came out looking at what motorists moan about the most. Apparently it's thing like white vans and cyclists. Unless that driver is near a petrol station, when seeing the price per litre will probably top that list.

The concept of finding out what people hate isn't just used in surveys. On Twitter the hashtag of #20ThingsIDontLike trended for nearly two days, which shows there's a lot of hate out there. In the spirit of such hate, here's #20ThingsIDontLike.

#20ThingsIDontLike 1: When a burp goes wrong and you nearly throw up

#20ThingsIDontLike 2: When people don't indicate at roundabouts. Oh, I'll just wait for no reason then!

#20ThingsIDontLike 3: Smalls "mind your head" signs you only see after.

#20ThingsIDontLike 4: When people say "should of".

#20ThingsIDontLike 5: When people say shtrong. It's strong! Connery, you get away with it. No one else.

#20ThingsIDontLike 6: When you nearly sneeze but don't. The day is ruined.

#20ThingsIDontLike 7: People who say I should watch Breaking Bad just cos I have a chemistry degree. We didn't cook meth!

#20ThingsIDontLike 8: Other people on public transport. So, basically "public".

#20ThingsIDontLike 9: When people talk over me. Did I hit a fullstop? Well shut the f**k up then.

#20ThingsIDontLike 10: Pigeons.

#20ThingsIDontLike 12: Nose whistlers.

#20ThingsIDontLike 11: Copying and pasting in the wrong damn order. Oops.

#20ThingsIDontLike 13: Loose Women. The TV show. The actually things are fine by me.

#20ThingsIDontLike 14: Me when I realise I'm tapping. (It's my worst habit. That and the meth)

#20ThingsIDontLike 15: When people stand in a shop doorway for a chat. Outta the way, cretin!

#20ThingsIDontLike 16: Most BMW drivers.

#20ThingsIDontLike 17: The rest of the BMW drivers.

#20ThingsIDontLike 18: Texts that say I'm entitled to PPI money back. I wish.

#20ThingsIDontLike 19: When I do a typo and it ruins everyhting.

#20ThingsIDontLike 20: Long lists.

#20ThingsIDontLike 21: When I go on too much.

>Read the source story



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