
Girl Swallows A Toothbrush

A teenager was taken to hospital after she swallowed her toothbrush. How do you swallow a toothbrush? Was she holding it on the end that doesn't have the handle? Did she think those "hard to reach places" they talk about in the toothbrush adverts were somewhere down her throat? Was she just a div?

It said in the newspaper:

Georgie Smith, of Brighton, felt the toothbrush slip down her throat as she brushed her teeth but couldn't cough it back up as she has no gag reflex.

She doesn't have a gag reflex and she gets in the papers for cleaning her teeth? That just shows a lack of imagination.

Anyway, she swallowed her toothbrush so she went to the hospital, only to be told by doctors that they couldn't find it. She said: "Nobody knows where it is as X-rays don't show plastic."

Don't worry. Give it a few days and it'll come through, and she'll have the cleanest bumhole ever. And then she has a choice. Throw the toothbrush away and get a new one or wash it and use it again. And thinking of the second option has just proved that I am not like her. I do have a gag reflex.

>Read the source story


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