
Solution To The Organ Donor Problem

On the Guardian: "Doctors' radical plan to tackle organ shortage"

OK, there has been a bit of an organ shortage, but in my defence, it's been cold and these shorts aren't flattering and...

Oh, they don't mean me. They mean organs for transplants. A BMA report has revived the debate about how far doctors should go to help save the lives of patients with organ failure.

At the moment you have to opt in to be an organ donor. There's talk of having an opt out system in Wales. I don't know why we're starting it in Wales. Are we going to use them as a source or organs for the rest of the UK? That's one way to make sure the 51% of people in England don't want you to leave the kingdom, like they do with Scotland.

It makes sense. Instead of only being able to use organs from the few who opt in, or having to rush a grieving relative to make a decision, you could check to see if they opted out, and if not, get down to saving a life.

Some people are against the new system. And you say to them, "Well, opt out then." And they say, "I don't like the presumption that we should be organ donors." And you say, "Oh, I'm sorry. We were trying to help people who are actually dying but we didn't realise you didn't like the hint! Oh, we'll stop it all and rob others of a chance at life just so you don't feel slightly put out."

There's also a plan to keep patients alive till their organs have been used. A sad fact about the human body is that as a soon as you die things start to go off. I have to be honest, I'm in my thirties and some things look like they've hit their sell by date already, but it gets worse on death.

I didn't realise this, because I'm not a doctor/don't watch Holby City, but when someone dies in hospital they are sometimes kept on ventilation till the family can say their goodbyes. But the ventilation is turned off after and the useful bits start to perish. At the moment they can't leave the ventilation on to keep the organs usable till the transplant can be sorted. Why? Are we that desperate to save the 'lecky bill?

Nigel Heaton, professor of transplant surgery at King's College hospital, London, said, "People have qualms about it. The concern is that you are prolonging or introducing futile treatment that has no benefit for the patient."

Hmm, if only it was saving someone else's life at the same t... hang on, it is! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And with great power comes great responsibility. OK, I learn my philosophy from films but I'm making a point.

At the moment up to 1,000 people die each year from a treatable condition because they don't get the transplant because there aren't enough organs.

I think, if there's a way we can help to solve this problem, it is irresponsible to sit back and do nothing. And that's why I hate Noel Edmonds.

He's living the high life doing his "Deal Or No Deal" TV show, but if he put his "Swap Shop" skills to work on this...

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