
Do You Have Toasted Skin Syndrome

Here's a worrying medical story. More and more people are being diagnosed with "toasted skin syndrome". And it's the bad kind of toasted, not the one where people raise a glass and say, "Ladies and gentlemen... to skin!"

There has been an increase in the number of people with burns to the thighs and bottom and it's all because of the recent cold snap. People cranked the seat heaters in their cars up so high they cooked their own bums. Two reports in the Archives of Dermatology describe rashes on legs that erupt by pressing against warmed-up seats for prolonged periods of time. The technical term is Erythema ab igne.

I know it was cold the other week but if you're sat there and you notice the smell of burning bumhole, you'd think you'd check yourself. Maybe it's like frogs. If you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out but if you put it in cold water and heat it up, it will just sit there till it cooks. So, if you sit on a hot seat you'd stand up again, but if you sit on a normal seat and turn the heater on you just sit there while your bumcakes bake.

Toasted skin syndrome might be ugly, but it's not serious. The doctors say all you need to do is avoid putting your seat heater on too high and you will eventually heal, but it can take a while for any burn marks to go. That's a worry, because until you have fully healed, if someone sees your bottom, they'll think you'd been a liar liar.

>Read the source story


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