The Daily Mail gives us...
"Kate: Baby Girl Will Be Queen"
The fallout from the royal baby continues, with 9 pages of coverage in the Mail today. This baby has already been responsible for so many trees being turned into all this extra paper that its carbon footprint is screwed for life.
A new law is to be rushed through Parliament so that if the royal baby is a girl the child will still be an heir to the throne. After all, if there's one thing that royal family have learned, it's to make sure the first born is the next in line, as it's more likely to be related to the father.
It's not as simple as just passing a law here; Commonwealth leaders had to come to an agreement too, as this baby will one day be their leader. But they have now agreed and the changes can be made to what has been described as a sexist law.
In the current system the first born male goes on to be the king, but now it will be the first born child. It's sending a message to women, saying, "You're not second class citizens any more. It doesn't matter if you are male or female. The only thing that matter is... that you're born into a privileged family."
And if that's what the message is, the Government will be more than happy to rush that law through.